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Industry 4.0 describes the newest revolution in manufacturing and production, but with a twist. Knowing how to train employees for this next generation of work is critical. Here’s what industry 4.0 means for the future of training workers in whatever industry you're in. Industry 4.0 builds on the work of industry 3.0, where computerization was introduced and refined. Add smart systems, wireless connectivity, and virtual/augmented reality, and industry 4.0 is the result.
Training employees for industry 4.0 requires a balance between honoring the skillsets employees already have while adding to their abilities. This can be done with a couple of different approaches.Just because the way we build things and connect people is changing doesn’t mean you need to throw out the old employees to make way for new. In fact, upskilling employees has several distinct advantages over hiring a brand-new slate of workers. Upskilling also reduces the digital skills gap and fosters a better connection between employees and technology. This is critical as industry 4.0 moves forward (and looks towards the next revolution).
In order to meet the demands of a digital future under industry 4.0, workers, as well as their employers, will need to be more proactive about upskilling.According to the Google Australia-commissioned Future Skills report, to remain employable in the future, workers will need to make a habit of refreshing their skills and picking up new ones throughout their careers1. In other words, they must embrace lifelong learning.
A survey by Hays in 2018 found 77% of employers are more likely to shortlist a candidate who has regularly upskilled2. Yet even those who want to remain in their roles will need to continue learning. The Future Skills report predicts that workers’ job tasks will change by 18% every decade, requiring frequent skills refreshers to adapt to new developments3. However, this doesn’t mean that you will have to spend more time in the classroom undergoing formal education. Most upskilling opportunities occur in the workplace even at organisations that don’t offer official training and educational options. This can be in the form of mentorships, webinars and events, industry and professional associations, networking, and being part of projects outside your usual remit. These are in addition to the huge range of self-learning modules, short courses, micro credentials and certificate options on offer.
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Prepare workforce for Industry 4.0
Hands On Approach
Certification Program
Expert from Various Industries
Pembelajaran IT secara online memudahkan pelajar daripada luar negeri untuk menyertai program ini. Kami juga dapat berkenalan dengan rakan baru serta cikgu-cikgu yang baik di PHCDC. Pelbagai ilmu yang dapat dipelajari iaitu ilmu 'Python', 'SQL' dan 'Machine Learning'.
Permintaan pekerjaan 'Machine Learning' yang tinggi membuatkan saya ingin menceburi bidang IT. Walaupon tanggapan orang yang mengatakan program ini susah, namun cikgu-cikgu disini tahu untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Pelbagai ilmu yang dapat saya pelajari bersama cikgu PHCD
I really want to learn programming language but I dont have any platform to do it. Not until my friend recommend me to join PHCDC programe. At here I get as much knowledge from our teacher, I dont want to waste the opportunity given to me by PHCDC.